Sunday, February 25, 2007


Dear All,
Please read the email i got from APN, please visit the website and sign the petition.

"you have ever been to Dibbin forest you would know how beautiful it is.>> >A project by Jordan-Dubai Capital group will take place on the forest> >the project will be a 5 star resort that will take an area of about 470>dunoms.> >Environmental groups in Jordan are joining hands to stop this project> >from taking place in the forest while proposing a more sustainable> >option of building the hotels and villa's in a neighboring area next to>the forest.> >It's also worth mentioning that forests make less than 1% of Jordan's> >area and Dibbin is considered the richest area in the country.> >Help spread the word as wide as possible by signing the online petition
( if you think you can help don't hesitate to send me a msg)
Thank you,
Lana Qadoumi
Arab Group for the Protection of Nature (APN)

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